Friday, March 13, 2009

Just Kate and me.

We're off again, since Molly is having fun in Wisconsin, Kate is enjoying being just the two of us for a while. These week long waits for a new load are a mixed blessing. It's good to have the time off, but I can't really start any big projects because I need to be ready to go on a moments notice. Kinda like the military. Hurry up and wait. We are in Lodi, OH again tonight to load in Akron tomorrow. Then on to California.
Here are some pictures from last week and today.

Round barn in northern Indiana.

These pictures are in central Ohio.

Dick and Kate.

1 comment:

An English Shepherd said...

Nice Ohio pictures, my Dad went to Kansas (years ago) and he remembers how vast a state it was. You could see the straight roads disappear into small dots in the distance.