Thursday, February 19, 2009

Goofy GPS

Things went better today, I'm still having the fuel problem, but I'm learning to deal with it. I did have to put on a new fuel filter, it got so I couldn't climb the mountains anymore. Lots of pictures today. The first one is of my GPS screen. The blue line is the route it wants me to travel, with the white arrows showing the path. I was to go straight through this interchange, but it thought I should go around the complete cloverleaf.

Horses in Arizona.

Panorama of the Continental Divide. This is actually 5 pictures laid end to end.

Kate and Molly at the Continental Divide.

I sure couldn't get them to pose for the picture, Kate just doesn't like to pose, and Molly always wants to lay down.


1 comment:

An English Shepherd said...

Ah, Native American Border Collies ;-)