Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring's not here yet.

I was hoping that spring was finally here, but as the first picture shows, it isn't.
As things worked out, I am going to be here all day tomorrow. I'm not very far from my first delivery on Monday morning. Maybe I can find a church to go to for Easter services.

Snow in Flagstaff, AZ.

Early morning desert.

Mountains and clouds.

This odd structure looks like a cross between a giant golf ball and a spaceship, It has three levels and measures 40 feet in diameter. Lake Havasu Estates built it in 1976 as a restaurant and cocktail lounge for a land developer. The company went bankrupt, however, and the sphere now serves as a private home. The owner has added aliens walking up the ramp and space ships.

Dick & Kate

1 comment:

An English Shepherd said...

Oh ! Flagstaff looks a bit chilly

Happy Easter!

Wizz :-)