Sunday, July 15, 2012

I finally got enough done to start showing pictures. I picked this up in New Mexico last year. NO rust,school activity bus

White part done, two coats of Buskote plus clear. Windows installed and Indiana RV title on it's way

The blue needs some touchup where I messed up. amd I still have some lights to install, and the new heated
 mirrors, but now I can get on with the inside.

I didn't like the way the front access doors latched, I couldn't get them adjusted so they would close tightly
I found these latches at an RV surplus place. The key isn't really a key, just a removable handle. After the turn,
a quarter turn more pulls the latch in about 1/4 inch, closes the door tightly against seal.

The Buskote really seems to work. Outside temp, sitting in full sun was 94, window holes still covered with plastic,
(no ventilation) inside temp 94. After installing the windows and opening them inside temp dropped 2 degrees.
Ceiling was only warm to the touch. Working on the outside you can lean your forearms, on the white part and not be
at all uncomfortable. while I was painting I couldn't stand to stand on the yellow with just my socks on.

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